Wednesday, December 15, 2010

on commitment. . . .

on commitment. . . .
     as an artist commitment is vital, you need to commit yourself to  your image to your vision to gentle support and coax it in to being, as a mother some times it feels like commitment is not so much a choice but but biological edict and inescapable imperative, and as a bisexual commitment can feel like a betrayal or denile of self at first. . .
    so how to commit with out entering into a labyrinth of self doubt, how do you hone out a direction to travel in . . . this is a difficult but not impossible task. currently i am overwhelmed but many wonderful opportunity open before me in terms of the art world, but i am also terrified of failure of wasting what little resources i have available, i want to make a good example for my kids, and be true to my self , but i also kinda want to just hid out in obscurity. my daughter said it best this morning, she said " i want to be a good artist not a famous artist ," nearly 4 and has the world figured out . . . feel like i might just be rambling need to focus . . . .
my goal of writing every day in November really fell short, with only 4 entries but i am going to try to be more diligent and open up more